
Help Fight Aquatic Invasive Species
Inspect all watercraft, trailers, and water-related equipment; remove any visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species before leaving any water access.

  1. Drain water from boat, live-well, bilge, impellor, bait containers and other equipment holding water before leaving any water access. If you want to keep your live bait after draining bait containers, you must replace water in bait containers with either tap or spring water.
  2. Dispose of unwanted bait into the trash. It’s illegal to release live bait into a water body or release aquatic animals from water body into another.
  3. If you have been in any other lake, take your boat to a FREE aquatic invasive species decontamination washing station. 

 Cedar Lake boat landing & Schroeder Park & Pleasant Lake

When: Self Serve

** Small Boats take about 10 minutes

** Larger Vessels take about 20-30 minutes

Cost: FREE

Protect Our Waters - Inspection & Cleaning Guide 

Help Fight Aquatic Invasive Species
Inspect all watercraft, trailers, and water-related equipment; remove any visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other prohibited invasive species before leaving any water access.

  1. Drain water from boat, live-well, bilge, impellor, bait containers and other equipment holding water before leaving any water access. If you want to keep your live bait after draining bait containers, you must replace water in bait containers with either tap or spring water.
  2. Dispose of unwanted bait into the trash. It’s illegal to release live bait into a water body or release aquatic animals from water body into another.
  3. If you have been in any other lake, take your boat to a FREE aquatic invasive species decontamination washing station. 

 Cedar Lake boat landing & Schroeder Park & Pleasant Lake

When: Self Serve

** Small Boats take about 10 minutes

** Larger Vessels take about 20-30 minutes

Cost: FREE

Protect Our Waters - Inspection & Cleaning Guide